Friday, February 18, 2011

Semi Obsessed...

I've come to the conclusion that I might be one of the world's most impatient people.  I would say impulsive too but that seems to involve more follow through that I don't have...Anyway, so I come to this conclusion for the following reasons:
1) I cannot STAND waiting to talk to someone when I have something to say.  If you don't answer your phone immediately, I will call you nonstop until you do.
2) Ever since I was a kid, once a trip is actually approaching, I will start to pack.  Not clothes, mind you.  Books.  I started my book/magazine packing on Monday for the trip we are taking Saturday.  I have been debating my list of books/magazines to pack for at least 2 weeks.  I'm still not sure I have the clothes thing figured out.
3) I occasionally make lists of conversation topics if I expect to be spending time with someone for a prolonged period of time.  This is to make sure we don't run out of things to talk about.  Problem is, I am physically incapable of holding onto these topics for more than 5 minutes into a conversation. 

Anyway, I bring this up because I came across a DIY home improvement blog today that I'm a little bit jealous of...

This couple does AWESOME things with thrift store finds!  I'm now officially obsessed with going to find my own little treasures, painting them, and turning my apartment into the trendiest, most well decorated hole in the wall EVER! This will also be especially helpful considering I'm broke as a joke...

Maybe Andy will let me stop at antique stores on our leisurely trip to Steamboat this weekend....maybe if I promise to spray paint him a pony....

In the meantime, I'm going to pore over Young House Love's blog...and try to contain my jealousy...


the ditore family said...

i just killed way too much time on that blog. fun!

M. Librarian said...

I have spent LOADS of time on their blog...they are my new favorite thing..AND! to top it off, I did get to go to antique stores and found my first treasure! I'll be posting a pic soon!