Wednesday, December 5, 2012

True Words

(from Johnny Cash to June Carter Cash)

If you're anything like me, you love getting a letter but probably aren't great about writing them.  You might like to read a diary (not your own..yikes, that's just a lousy never sound smart or romantic in your own diary..or at least I don't) but skip out on writing in your own.  I got a One Word A Day journal for my birthday and I've written approximately one word every other month.  It may be added to my New Year's resolution list...

If this is you, then you're going to LOVE this website.  Letters of Note is an amazing site filled with letters from celebrities, scientists, mothers, athletes, authors, musicians, and more...Some of them are laugh out loud funny, some are the dagger of words you always wish you could throw, and some will bring tears to your eyes.  The bottom line is you need to set aside an evening to read every word.

My personal favorites are the the letters that Johnny Cash wrote to June (one of them is above), a response from a writer of Will and Grace to a despicable religious organization, and the letter from Fiona Apple about her dying dog.

Letters of Note

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